Hier findest Du einige Modifikationen und erweiterte Mods und Serverviewer rund um Teamspeak 2 & 3.
Teamspeak 2: Serverviewer für die Homepage
Hier ein abgeändertes Modul für die Homepage. Es zeigt den aktuell gewählten Server an. In der index.php die Serverdaten eintragen und Script in die Homepage einbinden.
Code eingefügt.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="teamspeakdisplay.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
if (isset($_GET['autorefresh'])) {
$autorefresh = $_GET['autorefresh'];
} else {
$autorefresh = 0;
if ($autorefresh == 1) {
echo(" <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10; URL=" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?autorefresh=1\">\n");
// The code between the 2 lines below turns on PHPs error handlers.
// Uncomment it for debugging purposes, but leave commented in live
// environments. Having your script running in a live environment with the
// error handlers turned on, decreases your sites security as a warning may
// reveal information used to exploit security holes in your site.
//================== BEGIN OF ERROR REPORTING CODE ====================
//echo("<span style=\"color: #dd0000; font-weight: bold\">Error reporting ");
//echo("is currently on. Turn it off in live environments !</span><br><br>\n");
//ini_set("display_errors", "1");
//ini_set("display_startup_errors", "1");
//ini_set("ignore_repeated_errors", "0");
//ini_set("ignore_repeated_source", "0");
//ini_set("report_memleaks", "1");
//ini_set("track_errors", "1");
//ini_set("html_errors", "1");
//ini_set("warn_plus_overloading", "1");
//================== END OF ERROR REPORTING CODE ======================
// Load the Teamspeak Display:
// Get the default settings
$settings = $teamspeakDisplay->getDefaultSettings();
//================== BEGIN OF CONFIGURATION CODE ======================
// Set the teamspeak server IP or Hostname below (DO NOT INCLUDE THE
$settings["serveraddress"] = "";
$settings["serverudpport"] = "8767";
$settings["serverqueryport"] = "51234";
$settings["tsadmin"] = $_GET['tsadmin'];
// If you want to limit the display to only one channel including it's
// players and subchannels, uncomment the following line and set the
// exact name of the channel. This feature is case-sensitive!
//$settings["limitchannel"] = "";
// forbidden nickname characters (look in server.ini):
$settings["forbiddennicknamechars"] = "()[]{}";
//================== END OF CONFIGURATION CODE ========================
// Is the script improperly configured?
if ($settings["serveraddress"] == "") { die("You need to configure this script as described inside the CONFIGURATION CODE block in " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "<br>\n"); }
// Display the Teamspeak server
// Display autorefresh status and control link:
if ($autorefresh == 0) {
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='refresh.png' alt=''> <a class='refresh' href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?autorefresh=1\"> Autorefresh on</a><br>\n");
} else if ($autorefresh == 1) {
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='refresh.png' alt=''> <a class='refresh' href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?autorefresh=0\"> Autorefresh off</font></a><br>\n");
Code eingefügt.
// Teamspeak Display Preview Release 3
// Copyright (C) 2005 Guido van Biemen (aka MrGuide@NL)
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
class teamspeakDisplayClass {
// Removes subsequent end of line charachter from the right part of a string
function _stripEOL($evalString) {
$newLen = strlen($evalString);
while (((substr($evalString, $newLen - 1, 1) == "\r")) || ((substr($evalString, $newLen - 1, 1) == "\n"))) {
return substr($evalString, 0, $newLen);
// Opens a connection to the teamspeak server
function _openConnection(&$socket, $host, $port, $timeout) {
@$socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if ($socket and ($this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)) == "[TS]")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Closes the connection to the Teamspeak server
function _closeConnection($socket) {
fputs($socket, "quit\n");
// Returns the part of evalString until a tab (or the end of a string) and deletes the
// returned part from evalString (including the possible tab that follows)
function _stripPartFromString(&$evalString) {
$pos = strpos($evalString, "\t");
if(is_integer($pos)) {
$result = substr($evalString, 0, $pos);
$evalString = substr($evalString, $pos + 1);
} else {
$result = $evalString;
$evalString = "";
return $result;
// Removes the surrounding quotes from evalString and returns the result
function _stripQuotes($evalString) {
if(strpos($evalString, '"') == 0) $evalString = substr($evalString, 1, strlen($evalString) - 1);
if(strrpos($evalString, '"') == strlen($evalString) - 1) $evalString = substr($evalString, 0, strlen($evalString) - 1);
return $evalString;
// Request, read and parse the server info:
function _getServerInfo($socket) {
fputs($socket, "si\n");
$result = array();
do {
$buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096));
if (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR")) {
$pos = strpos($buffer, '=');
if ($pos !== False) {
$result[substr($buffer, 0, $pos)] = substr($buffer, $pos + 1);
} while (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR") && (!feof($socket)));
return $result;
function _setPlayerDisplayImage(&$playerInfo) {
// Determine the right userpicture:
if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 8) == 8) { $playerImage = "away"; }
else if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 32) == 32) { $playerImage = "mutespeakers"; }
else if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 16) == 16) { $playerImage = "mutemicrophone"; }
else if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 1) == 1) { $playerImage = "channelcommander"; }
else { $playerImage = "normal"; }
$playerInfo["displayimage"] = $playerImage;
function _setPlayerDisplayName(&$playerInfo) {
// Determine the player status (U = Unregistered, R = Registered, SA = Server Admin,
// CA = Channel Admin, AO = Auto-Operator, AV = Auto-Voice, O = Operator, V = Voice)
if (($playerInfo["userstatus"] & 4) == 4) { $playerstatus = "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='R.png' alt='R' />"; } else { $playerstatus = "<img src='U.png' alt='U' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["userstatus"] & 1) == 1) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='SA.png' alt='SA' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["userstatus"] & 16) == 16) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='St.png' alt='St' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 1) == 1) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='CA.png' alt='CA' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 8) == 8) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='AO.png' alt='AO' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 16) == 16) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='AV.png' alt='AV' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 2) == 2) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='O.png' alt='O' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 4) == 4) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='V.png' alt='V' />"; }
if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 64) == 64) { $playerstatus .= "<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src='Rec.png' alt='REC' />"; }
// Determine the player attributes to be listed behind the player status (WV = Want Voice)
if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 2) == 2) { $playerattributes = '<img src="WV.png" alt="WV" />'; } else { $playerattributes = ''; }
$playerInfo["displayname"] = $playerInfo["playername"] . " " . $playerstatus . $playerattributes;
//$playerInfo["displayname"] = $playerInfo["playername"] . " <img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"" . $playerstatus . ".gif alt=\"" . $playerstatus . "\" />" . $playerattributes;
function _getPlayerList($socket) {
// Request, read and parse the player list
fputs($socket, "pl\n");
$buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096));
$result = array();
if (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) == "ERROR") { return $result; }
do {
$buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096));
if (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR")) {
$playerid = $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer);
$result[$playerid] = array(
"playerid" => $playerid,
"channelid" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"receivedpackets" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"receivedbytes" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"sentpackets" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"sentbytes" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"paketlost" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer) / 100,
"pingtime" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"totaltime" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"idletime" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"privileg" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"userstatus" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"attribute" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"ip" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"playername" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer)),
"loginname" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer))
} while (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR") && (!feof($socket)));
return $result;
function _getLimitedPlayerList($socket, $channelList) {
$playerList = $this->_getPlayerList($socket);
$result = array();
foreach($playerList as $playerInfo) {
foreach($channelList as $channelInfo) {
if ($playerInfo["channelid"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) {
$result[$playerInfo["playerid"]] = $playerInfo;
return $result;
function _setChannelDisplayName(&$channelInfo) {
if ($channelInfo["parent"] != -1) {
$channelInfo["displayname"] = $channelInfo["channelname"];
} else {
// Determine the channel status (U = Unregisterd, R = Registered, M = Moderated,
// P = Passworded, S = Sub-channels, D = Default).
if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 1) == 1) { $channelstatus = 'U'; } else { $channelstatus = 'R'; }
if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 2) == 2) { $channelstatus .= 'M'; }
if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 4) == 4) { $channelstatus .= 'P'; }
if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 8) == 8) { $channelstatus .= 'S'; }
if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 16) == 16) { $channelstatus .= 'D'; }
$channelInfo["displayname"] = $channelInfo["channelname"] . " (" . $channelstatus . ")";
function _getChannelList($socket) {
// Request, read and parse the channel list
fputs($socket, "cl\n");
$buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096));
$result = array();
if (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) == "ERROR") { return $result; }
do {
$buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096));
if (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR")) {
$channelid = $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer);
$result[$channelid] = array(
"channelid" => $channelid,
"codec" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"parent" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"order" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"maxplayers" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"channelname" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer)),
"flags" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"password" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer),
"topic" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer))
} while (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR") && (!feof($socket)));
return $result;
function _getLimitedChannelList($socket, $limitChannel) {
$channelList = $this->_getChannelList($socket);
$result = array();
foreach($channelList as $channelInfo) {
if ($channelInfo["parent"] == -1) {
if ($channelInfo["channelname"] == $limitChannel) {
$result[$channelInfo["channelid"]] = $channelInfo;
foreach($channelList as $subChannelInfo) {
if ($subChannelInfo["parent"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) {
$result[$subChannelInfo["channelid"]] = $subChannelInfo;
return $result;
function _selectServer($socket, $port) {
// Request the server to select the server which is hosted on the port set in serverUDPPort
fputs($socket, "sel ".$port . "\n");
// Read server response on request to select a server
return ($this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)) == "OK");
// Queries the Teamspeak server
function queryTeamspeakServerEx($settings) {
$result = array();
// Try to establish a connection to the teamspeak server
if (! $this->_openConnection($socket, $settings["serveraddress"], $settings["serverqueryport"], 0.3)) {
$result["queryerror"] = 1;
} else if (! $this->_selectServer($socket, $settings["serverudpport"])) {
$result["queryerror"] = 2;
} else {
$result["queryerror"] = 0;
$result["serverinfo"] = $this->_getServerInfo($socket);
$result["channellist"] = ($settings["limitchannel"] == "") ? $this->_getChannelList($socket) : $this->_getLimitedChannelList($socket, $settings["limitchannel"]);
$result["playerlist"] = ($settings["limitchannel"] == "") ? $this->_getPlayerList($socket) : $this->_getLimitedPlayerList($socket, $result["channellist"]);
return $result;
function queryTeamspeakServer($serverAddress, $serverUDPPort, $serverQueryPort) {
$settings = $this->getDefaultSettings();
$settings["serveraddress"] = $serverAddress;
$settings["serverudpport"] = $serverUDPPort;
$settings["serverqueryport"] = $serverQueryPort;
return $this->queryTeamspeakServerEx($settings);
function _orderAlphaGetString($string) {
$lowerstring = strtolower($string);
$result = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($lowerstring); $i++) {
if (strpos("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", substr($lowerstring, $i, 1)) !== false) {
$result .= substr($lowerstring, $i, 1);
return $result;
function _orderAlpha($str1, $str2) {
return strcmp($this->_orderAlphaGetString($str1), $this->_orderAlphaGetString($str2));
function _compareChannel($a, $b) {
if ($a["order"] != $b["order"]) { return ($a["order"] < $b["order"]) ? -1 : 1; }
else { return $this->_orderAlpha($a["displayname"], $b["displayname"]); }
function _comparePlayer($a, $b) {
// Determine userlevel (0 = Not server admin, 1 = Server admin)
$userlevela = $a["userstatus"] & 1;
$userlevelb = $b["userstatus"] & 1;
if ($userlevela != $userlevelb) { return ($userlevela < $userlevelb) ? 1 : -1; }
else { return $this->_orderAlpha($a["displayname"], $b["displayname"]); }
function sortServerInfo(&$serverInfo) {
usort($serverInfo["channellist"], array($this, "_compareChannel"));
usort($serverInfo["playerlist"], array($this, "_comparePlayer"));
function _formatTime($totaltime) {
$days = floor($totaltime / 86400);
$temp = $days * 86400;
$hours = floor(($totaltime - $temp) / 3600);
$temp = $temp + ($hours * 3600);
$minutes = floor(($totaltime - $temp) / 60);
$temp = $temp + ($minutes * 60);
$seconds = $totaltime - $temp;
return (($days < 10) ? " " : "") . $days . "D " . (($hours < 10) ? " " : "") . $hours . ":" . (($minutes < 10) ? "0" : "") . $minutes.":" . (($seconds < 10) ? "0" : "") . $seconds;
// Returns the codec name
function _getCodecName($codec) {
if ($codec == 0) { return "CELP 5.1 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 1) { return "CELP 6.3 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 2) { return "GSM 14.8 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 3) { return "GSM 16.4 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 4) { return "CELP Windows 5.2 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 5) { return "Speex 3.4 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 6) { return "Speex 5.2 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 7) { return "Speex 7.2 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 8) { return "Speex 9.3 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 9) { return "Speex 12.3 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 10) { return "Speex 16.3 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 11) { return "Speex 19.5 Kbit"; }
else if ($codec == 12) { return "Speex 25.9 Kbit"; }
else { return "Unknown (" . $codec . ")"; }
function getDefaultSettings() {
$result = array();
$result["serveraddress"] = "";
$result["serverudpport"] = "";
$result["serverqueryport"] = "";
$result["limitchannel"] = "";
$result["forbiddennicknamechars"] = "";
return $result;
// Main function (queries, sorts and displays the teamspeak serverinfo). Its code is not
// very readable... well what shall I say about it... it was hard to write so it should
// be hard to read >:)
function displayTeamspeakEx($settings) {
$serverInfo = $this->queryTeamspeakServerEx($settings);
echo("<div id=\"teamspeakdisplay\">\n");
if ($serverInfo["queryerror"] != 0) {
$popupInfo = "Server address: " . $settings["serveraddress"] . ":" . $settings["serverudpport"] ;
if ($serverInfo["queryerror"] == 1) {
$popupInfo .= ", Error: Could not connect to query port";
} else {
$popupInfo .= ", Error: No server running on port " . $settings["serverudpport"];
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"teamspeak_offline.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakserver\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("Server offline");
else {
// Generate javascript for teamspeak hyperlinks
$jsTeamspeakId = md5($settings["serveraddress"] . ":" . $settings["serverudpport"]);
echo("<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n");
echo("function stringOk_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "(string, forbiddenChars) {\n");
echo(" for(var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {\n");
echo(" if (forbiddenChars.indexOf(string.charAt(i)) > -1) {\n");
echo(" return false;\n");
echo(" }\n");
echo(" }\n");
echo(" return true;\n");
echo("function enterServer_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "() {\n");
echo(" enterSubChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "(null, false, null);\n");
echo("function enterChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "(channelName, channelPassworded) {\n");
echo(" enterSubChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "(channelName, channelPassworded, null);\n");
echo("function enterSubChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "(channelName, channelPassworded, subChannelName) {\n");
echo(" var serveraddress = 'teamspeak://" . $settings["serveraddress"] . ":" . $settings["serverudpport"] . "';\n");
echo(" var nickname=window.prompt('Enter your nickname', '');\n");
echo(" if (nickname == null) {\n");
echo(" return;\n");
echo(" } else if (! stringOk_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "(nickname, '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $settings["forbiddennicknamechars"]) . "')) {\n");
echo(" window.alert('Could not enter the teamspeak server because the nickname you entered contains one or more of these forbidden characters: " . str_replace("'", "\\'", $settings["forbiddennicknamechars"]) . "');\n");
echo(" return;\n");
echo(" } else if (nickname == \"\") {\n");
echo(" window.alert('Could not enter the teamspeak server because you did not enter your nickname');\n");
echo(" return;\n");
echo(" }\n");
echo(" serveraddress = serveraddress + \"/nickname=\" + escape(nickname);\n");
if ($serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_password"] == "1") {
echo(" var password=window.prompt('Enter the teamspeak server password for " . $serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_name"] . "', '');\n");
echo(" if (password == null) {\n");
echo(" return;\n");
echo(" } else if (password == \"\") {\n");
echo(" window.alert('Could not enter the teamspeak server because you did not enter a server password');\n");
echo(" return;\n");
echo(" }\n");
echo(" serveraddress = serveraddress + \"?password=\" + escape(password);\n");
echo(" if (channelName != null) { serveraddress = serveraddress + \"?channel=\" + escape(channelName); }\n");
echo(" if (channelPassworded) {\n");
echo(" var channelpassword=window.prompt('Enter the channel password for channel ' + channelName, '');\n");
echo(" if (channelpassword == null) {\n");
echo(" return;\n");
echo(" } else if (channelpassword == \"\") {\n");
echo(" window.alert('Could not enter the teamspeak server because you did not enter a channel password');\n");
echo(" return;\n");
echo(" }\n");
echo(" serveraddress = serveraddress + \"?channelpassword=\" + escape(channelpassword);\n");
echo(" }\n");
echo(" if (subChannelName != null) { serveraddress = serveraddress + \"?subchannel=\" + escape(subChannelName); }\n");
echo(" window.location=serveraddress;\n");
// determine number of all players
$allplayerscount = 0;
foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $count) {
$popupInfo = "Server address: " . $settings["serveraddress"] . ":" . $settings["serverudpport"] . ", Players: ".$allplayerscount. "/" .$serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_maxusers"] . ", Uptime: " . $this->_formatTime($serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_uptime"]);
// Print the topmost element of the teamspeak tree
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"teamspeak_online.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakserver\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("<a class=\"teamspeakserver\" href=\"javascript:enterServer_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "();\">");
echo(str_replace(" ", " ", htmlspecialchars($serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_name"])));
echo("<tr><td class=\"info\"><img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"status_info.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\"><td>");
echo("Host: ".$settings["serveraddress"].":".$settings["serverudpport"]."</td></tr>");
echo("<tr><td class=\"info\"><img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"status_info.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\"><td>");
echo("Players: ".$allplayerscount. "/" .$serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_maxusers"] ."</td></tr>");
echo("<tr><td class=\"info\"><img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"status_info.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\"><td>");
echo("Uptime: ".$this->_formatTime($serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_uptime"])."</td></tr>");
// Count the number of channels to be listed:
$currentchannels = 0;
foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $channelInfo) {
if ($channelInfo["parent"] == -1) {
// Initialize the channelcounter to zero
$counter = 0;
// Loop through all channels:
foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $channelInfo) { if ($channelInfo["parent"] == -1) {
// determine number of players in channel
$currentplayers = 0;
foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) {
if($playerInfo["channelid"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) $currentplayers++;
// Count the number of channels to be listed:
$currentplayersandsubchannels = $currentplayers;
foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $subchannelInfo) {
if ($subchannelInfo["parent"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) {
$popupInfo = "ID: " . $channelInfo["channelid"] . ", Players: " . $currentplayers . "/" .$channelInfo["maxplayers"] . ", Codec: " . $this->_getCodecName($channelInfo["codec"]);
if ($channelInfo["topic"] != "") { $popupInfo = $popupInfo . ", Topic: " . $channelInfo["topic"]; }
// Display channel:
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"channel.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakchannel\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("<a class=\"teamspeakchannel\" href=\"javascript:enterChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "('" . str_replace("'", "\'", $channelInfo["channelname"]) . "', " . (($channelInfo["password"]) == "1" ? "true" : "false") . ");\">");
echo(str_replace(" ", " ", htmlspecialchars($channelInfo["displayname"])));
// Initialize the playercounter for this channel to zero
$counter_playerandsubchannels = 0;
// Loop through all players in the current channel:
foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) {
// Is the current player in the current channel?
if ($playerInfo["channelid"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) {
if ($settings["tsadmin"] == true) $popupInfo = "Loginname: " . $playerInfo["loginname"] . ", ID: " . $playerInfo["playerid"] . ", Online: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["totaltime"]) . ", Idle: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["idletime"]) . ", Ping: " . $playerInfo["pingtime"] . "ms";
else $popupInfo = "ID: " . $playerInfo["playerid"] . ", Online: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["totaltime"]) . ", Idle: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["idletime"]) . ", Ping: " . $playerInfo["pingtime"] . "ms";
// Display player:
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakplayer\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
// echo(str_replace(" ", " ", htmlspecialchars($playerInfo["displayname"])));
// Increase the player counter:
// Loop through all channels:
foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $subchannelInfo) { if ($subchannelInfo["parent"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) {
// determine number of players in channel
$currentplayers = 0;
foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) {
if($playerInfo["channelid"] == $subchannelInfo["channelid"]) $currentplayers++;
$popupInfo = "ID: " . $subchannelInfo["channelid"] . ", Players: ".$currentplayers. "/" .$serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_maxusers"] . ", Codec: " . $this->_getCodecName($subchannelInfo["codec"]);
if ($subchannelInfo["topic"] != "") { $popupInfo = $popupInfo . ", Topic: " . $subchannelInfo["topic"]; }
// Display channel:
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"channel.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeaksubchannel\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("<a class=\"teamspeaksubchannel\" href=\"javascript:enterSubChannel_" . $jsTeamspeakId . "('" . str_replace("'", "\'", $channelInfo["channelname"]) . "', " . (($channelInfo["password"]) == "1" ? "true" : "false") . ", '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $subchannelInfo["channelname"]) . "');\">");
echo(str_replace(" ", " ", htmlspecialchars($subchannelInfo["displayname"])));
// Initialize the playercounter for this channel to zero
$counter_player = 0;
// Loop through all players in the current channel:
foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) {
// Is the current player in the current channel?
if ($playerInfo["channelid"] == $subchannelInfo["channelid"]) {
if ($settings["tsadmin"] == true) $popupInfo = "Loginname: " . $playerInfo["loginname"] . ", ID: " . $playerInfo["playerid"] . ", Online: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["totaltime"]) . ", Idle: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["idletime"]) . ", Ping: " . $playerInfo["pingtime"] . "ms";
else $popupInfo = "ID: " . $playerInfo["playerid"] . ", Online: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["totaltime"]) . ", Idle: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["idletime"]) . ", Ping: " . $playerInfo["pingtime"] . "ms";
// Display player:
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"treeimage" . ((($counter_player + 1) == $currentplayers) ? "3" : "2") . ".png\" alt=\"\">");
echo("<img style='vertical-align: middle;' src=\"player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
echo("</td><td class=\"teamspeakplayer\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">");
// echo(str_replace(" ", " ", htmlspecialchars($playerInfo["displayname"])));
// Increase the player counter:
// Increase the channelcounter
} }
// Increase the channelcounter
} }
function displayTeamspeak($serverAddress, $serverUDPPort, $serverQueryPort) {
$settings = $this->getDefaultSettings();
$settings["serveraddress"] = $serverAddress;
$settings["serverudpport"] = $serverUDPPort;
$settings["serverqueryport"] = $serverQueryPort;
// Create an instance of the Teamspeak Display Class
$teamspeakDisplay = new teamspeakDisplayClass;
- ts2Viewer.rar (26,0 KiB)